Building SDPA for Python on macOS

SDPA for Python (sdpa-python) is a wrapper on top of the SDPA package. We will go over building SDPA first, followed by SDPA for Python.

Obtaining and building the backend

As a backend, we can use either the regular SDPA package, or the SDPA Multiprecision variant. SDPA Multiprecision is a fork of SDPA-GMP.

If you choose to use SDPA Multiprecision, please follow the instructions in the README of its GitHub repository, and then skip directly to the next section on building the Python wrapper.

If you choose to use the regular SDPA package, we will download it from the official website. Currently, the latest version is 7.3.17.

Sourceforge download links involve redirects. If you are using wget, it automatically redirects, however, if you are using curl, you have to add -L flag to enable redirects:

curl -L -O

Once downloaded, unzip it using:

tar -zxf sdpa_7.3.17.tar.gz

To build SDPA (with or without the Python wrapper), you need to have the basic build tools, i.e. make and gcc/g++ on your computer. On macOS, these tools come bundled with Xcode Command Line Tools which can be installed by:

xcode-select --install

Additional Requirements

Building SDPA also requires you to have

  1. A BLAS/LAPACK library. On macOS, they are installed as part of the Apple Accelerate framework. I recommend you stick with Apple’s BLAS/LAPACK implementation because it would work regardless of whether you have an Intel based Mac or M1 based Mac.

    The best way to check if they are present is to compile a very basic Hello World program with g++ hello.c -lblas -llapack. On macOS, -lblas and -llapack will use the BLAS/LAPACK provided by Accelerate framework.

  2. A FORTRAN compiler. It will be required to build MUMPS which is written in Fortran.

    On macOS, the most convenient to install and recent gfortran binary that I found at time of writing is provided by this GitHub repository.

Minor fixes

The sdpa buildsystem will download MUMPS and build it. A Makefile has been provided inside the mumps subfolder of sdpa source. Depending on the version of gfortran that you use, you may or may not need the -fallow-argument-mismatch flag provided in this file.

  1. Older versions of gfortran will not need this flag and do not recognize it. If while running make, you run into a compiler error for gfortran, remove this flag.

  2. Secondly, on macOS you may not have wget on your system. The Makefile will use wget to download the MUMPS source. You can modify the following line in the Makefile in the mumps subfolder to use curl instead of wget:


    so it should look like

     curl -O${MUMPS_TAR_FILE}


The next step should be to run the configure script in the sdpa root directory. Assuming you have sdpa unzipped on your Desktop:

./configure --prefix=$HOME/Desktop/sdpa-7.3.17

This should check whether all requirements are met for the build. Once done, issue the make command:


This will generate the sdpa binary as well as libsdpa.a static library. The libsdpa.a library is what the Python wrapper will link against.

This will also generate the file which sdpa-python would require you to link to.

Test run the SDPA binary

Let’s do a test run on the sdpa binary to make sure all is well until this point. While still within the sdpa-7.3.17 folder, do

./sdpa example1.dat example1.out

This should complete a test run the sdpa binary using one of the provided example files. If you can see the solver output, and pdOPT as the status, the build was successful. We can now move onto building the Python wrapper.

Obtaining and installing SDPA Python wrapper

Once you have built and done a test run on sdpa (or sdpa_gmp if using the Multiprecision backend), you have a working SDPA binary, it’s finally time to build and install sdpa-python.

We need SPOOLES for building sdpa-python.

Obtaining and building the SPOOLES library and headers

If you are using the SDPA Multiprecision backend, it contains SPOOLES and will build it as part of the buildsystem. In that case, you can skip directly to the next subsection.

If you are using the regular SDPA backend, you will have to download as well as build the SPOOLES library.

SPOOLES can be obtained from the official SPOOLES webpage or the Debian package sources.

curl -O
mkdir spooles
tar -zxf spooles_2.2.orig.tar.gz -C spooles
cd spooles

The file (located in the root of the extracted spooles folder) needs to be patched before SPOOLES can be successfully built. Patch and build the library as below.

curl -O
patch -p0 <
make lib

By default, the Makefile will load the code into spooles.a and this may cause the library to be not locatable (despite providing the search path in To avoid this issue, please rename this file to libspooles.a.

mv spooles.a libspooles.a

Obtain and prepare sdpa-python for build

You can obtain it by

git clone

Then do

cd sdpa-python

There is a file in the root of sdpa-python. We need to edit it and provide

  1. The location of SDPA headers and static library (i.e. libsdpa.a or libsdpa_gmp.a):

     SDPA_DIR = '/path/to/sdpa_package_name'
  2. Only if using the regular SDPA backend, the location of SPOOLES library and headers (for Multiprecision backend these variables need not be changed):

     SPOOLES_DIR = '/path/to/spooles/'
  3. The location of libgfortran.a and libquadmath.a. Assuming you installed it from this GitHub repository with the default options:

     GFORTRAN_LIBS ='/usr/local/gfortran/lib'
  4. Only if using the SDPA Multiprecision backend, the location of GMP library and headers:

     GMP_DIR = '/path/to/gmp-version'
  5. Lastly, if you are using the SDPA Multiprecision backend, please set USEGMP = True in this file.

Install sdpa-python Package

Finally, build and install sdpa-python package. While still in the sdpa-python directory, do:

python install

Assuming all goes well, you should be able to do import sdpap in Python. If you run into problems, cd out of the sdpa-python directory. Having folders with the name sdpap in your current directory, you will run into problems while doing import sdpap in Python (it will complain about a circular dependency problem).


Once installed, you can delete both the sdpa and sdpa-python folders.